Tuesday – Friday:  10am – 4pm
Saturday – Sunday: 12 – 4pm
Mondays & Holidays: Closed


Louis Dewis: A Belgian Post-Impressionist

Inspired by such French masters of landscape painting as Corot, Cézanne and Gauguin, Dewis painted scenes of cities, villages […]

Louis Dewis: A Belgian Post-Impressionist

Inspired by such French masters of landscape painting as Corot, Monet, and Cézanne, Louis Dewis (1872-1946) painted scenes of cities, villages, and the countryside throughout Belgium and France. Working primarily from 1916 until his death in 1946, Dewis was regarded by critics of his time as one of his country’s most distinguished landscape painters, contributing to a revival of traditional landscape painting in France and Belgium during the years between the world wars. This revival, which included such renowned artists as André Derain, Maurice de Vlaminck, and André Dunoyer de Segonzac, sought to assert nature as a preeminent subject for modern art in France.

Louis Dewis: A Belgian Post-Impressionist places Dewis’s work in historical context and seeks to reestablish his role in the story of 20th-century French and Belgian art. Organized by the Orlando Museum of Art, the exhibition debuted January 25 – May 5, 2019, showcasing more than 100 paintings, drawings, prints and career memorabilia. This ongoing exhibition presents a selection of important paintings and other works from throughout the artist’s life. Paintings from the entire collection, including many that have been newly restored are periodically rotated offering visitors a fresh view of Dewis’s work throughout the year. The Orlando Museum of Art is grateful to Mr. Brad Face for lending to this exhibition works from his extensive Louis Dewis collection.