Tuesday – Friday:  10am – 4pm
Saturday – Sunday: 12 – 4pm
Mondays & Holidays: Closed

Year: 2015
Medium: Acrylic, wax pencil and India ink on canvas
Size: 68 x 93 1/2 inches
Collection of the artist. © Steve Lotz. Image courtesy of the artist.

Source #3

About Steve Lotz

Born in 1938, Lotz began his studies at the University of California, Los Angeles, where he received a BFA before attending graduate school at the University of Florida. After receiving his MFA, Lotz came to Central Florida in 1968 to create the Art Department at the University of Central Florida (UCF), serving as chairman of the department for its first 10 years. He stayed at UCF until he retired as a professor emeritus in 2003. During this period, he established a successful career as an internationally recognized artist with numerous exhibitions in the United States and Europe. His best known work in Central Florida is perhaps his monumental triptych, Florida Dream. Installed in the main terminal of the Orlando International Airport, it has greeted millions of visitor to Orlando since 1980.