Reflections: Art and Healing Workshops for Cancer Patients/Survivors

Support provided by Art Bridges.

Come learn about art and new ways of reducing stress to help balance your body, mind, and spirit! This series of four workshops will provide a supportive space for cancer patients/survivors to process and explore their experiences through engagement with art. The workshops will take place in the galleries when the museum is closed to the public and will include discussions, journaling, meditation, sound healing, and movement.

Please note: Participants should plan to attend all weekend dates. Casual, comfortable clothing, sweaters or light jackets recommended. All participants will receive a journal at the first session. Additional materials are not required.

January 20, February 17, March 16, April 20
10-11:30 am

Space is limited, advance registration required.
Please call 407.896.4231 ext. 258 to register or email


Image Credits: Bill Viola (b. 1951), Moving Stillness: Mount Rainier, 1979, 1979, color videotape playback with rear projection reflected off water surface of a pool onto a suspended screen, in a large, dark room, water disturbed by hand at intervals, and amplified stereo sound, pool: 8 in x 10 ft x 20 ft. Art Bridges. Photo: Kira Perov.

DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this program do not reflect the opinions or beliefs of the Orlando Museum of Art. This program is not meant to treat, diagnose, heal, or cure any trauma or mental or physical illness or condition. The information and practices presented in this program are not substitutes for any medical professional advice or treatment, including the advice and treatment of a licensed healthcare professional. You should consult your physician or other healthcare professional before starting this or any other health-related program to determine if it is right for your needs. The information offered through this program is educational only and does not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have questions or situations requiring professional or medical advice, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified specialist, such as a licensed physician, psychologist, or other health professional.  Never disregard the medical advice of a health professional or delay in seeking such advice because of the information offered or provided within or through the program. If a healthcare professional is currently treating you for any condition or disease, do not modify your treatment program without your provider’s guidance or based on any information offered herein. 

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